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Isle of Love: Meet Bucky and Max!

Today’s Isle of Love Spotlight focuses on a couple of newlyweds! Although together for ten years, these two tied the knot in September, and have quite a bit of wisdom to share with the rest of us!

What is your name?
My name is Max.

What is the name of your love?
My One & Only is Bucky. After ten years of getting acquainted, we were married in September. We’re newlyweds as well as grandparents.

Did you meet in Tiki Solitaire or are you both players and share both your love and your love for the game?
I discovered Tiki TriPeaks Solitaire quite by accident. Days later, I showed the game to Bucky. Now we can play on our phones together, on the same team. We are “Mama n Papa.” No more zoning out, i.e. alone, in Cyberspace while actually sitting right next to each other.

How did you meet?
We met at the library. He dropped some papers – he was trying to carry too many things at once. I was close enough to offer my assistance so we started talking. I was drawn to his intelligence but I’m NOT saying he’s not attractive.

What’s your favorite thing about Bucky? And his favorite thing about you?
What I find to be Bucky’s best quality is his awareness. He pays attention to everything, so he is able to draw people out in conversation. You see, he’s very kind and has a certain earthy quality that allows him to put you at ease. Everyone loves talking to him. He is the kind of listener who puts people at ease because he truly cares about others. He is charming.

I think he likes my mind best. I am very curious, intense. I like tinkering. Discovering how things work, what makes things work, and why they work the way they do. I dive right into life, and often get lost in “the zone.”

Besides Tiki Solitaire, what are some things you enjoy doing together?
We think alike. Although we walk off the beaten path, in Bucky I found some else as intense as I am. We enjoy listening to music together, watching movies, reading, tinkering and playing video games.

Are you both in the same Club? If so, which one?

What’s the best piece of advice you have for keeping a relationship alive?
We WORK together to honor our commitment to each other– that’s what makes our relationship work. It’s not a secret. I believe that nobody is perfect and that we all grow through life, each deciding what is acceptable and what is not. We meet others along our journey. We will, inevitably, disagree. It is THEN, when we decide who is worth our time. It’s not “WHAT you will put up with” but WHO you will put up with. Can you agree on what you find acceptable? Nobody is perfect.

Be honest – who’s a better player?
I think he’s better at this game than I am. He’s good at everything he does.

Do you have any final thoughts you’d like to share with the Tiki Solitaire community?
We agree that you should surround yourself with people that you admire. Smart people. Fun people. Honorable people. People you find interesting. People you can trust. You can learn to communicate with anyone. Time is our most valuable asset. Don’t waste it. Have fun. But ALWAYS- STAY SAFE!

Would YOU like to be featured in our Isle of Love series! If so, Find Out More About it Here! There’s 100,000 Coins, 5 Free Plays, 5 Wilds and 3 Volcanoes for the both of you if you’re chosen!

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