We Want to Hear YOUR Ghost Stories!

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Have you ever experienced paranormal activity that you just can’t explain? Or, has there been a family ghost story passed along from generation to generation? It could even been a spine-tingling revelation from a psychic or card or palm reader! Whatever it is, for the rest of September and for the month of October, we want to know!

If your story is published, you’ll receive 131,313 Coins and 13 each of our most frightening boosters… Trap Torches, Shark Hooks and Defrosters. Dig up that old story and then answer these most illuminating questions:

  1. What is your name? 
  2. Are you in a Club? If so, which one? 
  3. Who’s your favorite Solitaire TriPeaks character? 
  4. Okay… now tell us your story…
  5. Would you say this experience changed your life? If so, how so? 
  6. Would you want to have the experience again?
  7.  Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

Send your answers to: talktotripeaks@scopely.comWe look forward to hearing from you… and your ghost… 😉