Pet Spotlight: Meet Cricket, Owner of Lois

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Ladies and Gentlemen, today we meet a cat with an incredible backstory. And he has the perfect name to go with it. Let’s put our paws together for Cricket T Cat III.

What is your name and how long have you been playing Tiki Solitaire?
Lois. I’ve been playing Tripeaks since 2015/16. Not exactly sure….

What is the name of your pet?
Cricket T Cat III

Love it! And what kind of cat is Cricket T Cat III?
Cricket is an all white mixed breed cat with one blue eye and one amber eye.

How did he enter your life?
This Cricket was a Mother’s Day gift from my daughter in 2020. You see, when I was a very small child, about 5 years of age, my grandmother had an all white cat named Cricket. I was very sad when Cricket went over the rainbow Bridge.

My mom said to me that if I ever found someone giving away an all white kitten. I could have it. (She neglected to clear this with my dad).

5 years later, when I was in 4th grade, Stevie Mc who sat behind me, shared in class that his cat had had kittens. I immediately turned around and asked if there was a white one… and there were 2!

Of course, I immediately told my mom when she got home from work that I had found my white kitten, and she PROMISED me that I could have it. I’m pretty sure it caused some consternation between my parents (Dad wasn’t a fan). But, mom said a promise is a promise, so a few weeks later, I happily brought Cricket T Cat II home in a shoe box in my bike basket!

Sadly, while I was,away at college 9 years later, Cricket II became ill and had to be relieved of her pain, crossing the Rainbow Bridge before I could get home to say goodbye.

My daughter knew this history, and came across a white kitten, who became my Mother’s Day gift!

What’s the cutest thing he does?
Cricket rushes from window to window to “protect” us from the squirrel in our walnut tree who “visits” by looking through the skylight. Cricket tries to jump at him while he chitters away.

What’s the one thing you wish Cricket T Cat III would stop doing?
Clawing the carpet!! He’s a destroyer of carpet!

How does your he encourage you to keep playing TriPeaks?
Cricket loves to curl up on my lap, make biscuits, and sleep… once I am “in-cat-acipated”, I can sit and play Tripeaks to my heart’s delight.

What’s the funniest story you have about something he’s done?
Every time we pack for a trip, Cricket finds his way into MY suitcase and tries to hide under my clothes!

Are you in a Club? If so, do they all know about Cricket?
I’m in a Club, but I don’t think I’ve mentioned my fur baby….

Do you have any final words you’d like to share?
I thought that I didn’t want another pet after we had to send our dog over the rainbow Bridge, but Cricket has been the best snuggle buddy!

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